Enterprise (0454) Cambridge IGCSE Past Papers 2020
Download All Enterprise (0454) Cambridge IGCSE Past Papers 2020 for free. IGCSE Enterprise (0454) Question Papers, Marking Schemes, Grade Thresholds 2020. These past papers will help you prepare for the forthcoming IGCSE Exams.
What is IGCSE?
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a two-year program leading to externally set, marked, and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognised globally.
The IGCSE is similar to GCSE and is recognized in the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. It was developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations. Students typically sit seven to nine subjects in one session at the end of Year 11.
Enterprise (0454) Cambridge IGCSE Past Papers 2020 PDF
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