Nigerian Police Application form PDF – Guarantor’s form
Nigerian Police Application form PDF – Guarantor’s form. Application into Nigeria Police Force requires NATIONAL IDENTITY MANAGEMENT COMMISSION (Nimc) Number, by providing the number you have given Nigeria police Force the right to get your bio data i.e. Basic information from Nimc and the data will not be editable while applying for this job.
The recruitment exercise requires that a candidate seeking an appointment must produce two (2) passports photograph and acceptable persons as Guarantors. If you are willing to stand as a guarantor, kindly complete this form in your own handwriting.
Please note that it is very dangerous to stand as a guarantor for persons whom you do not know well. Acceptable Guarantors include: Traditional Rulers, Magistrate, Local Government Chairman, Heads of Educational Institutions attended, Career Civil Servant not below the rank of Grade Level 12, Police Officer not below the rank of CSP or Military Officer not below the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
You can download the Nigerian Police Application form PDF – Guarantor’s form below