O-Level GCE Biology Paper 2
Looking for past Cameroon GCE question papers? We have here past GCE question apers for most subjects. Download O-Level GCE Biology Paper 2 for free from here.
Download the PDF file from below and use it to prepair yourself ahead of the upcoming GCE exams.
Instructions to candidats
Answer ALL FIVE questions.
All questions carry 20 marks each. For your guidance, the approximate mark for each part of a question is indicated in brackets.
Begin each question on a new page.
Give labelled diagrams where these will make (he answers clearer.
You are advised to read carefully through the question paper before you begin your answers.
You are reminded of the necessity for good English and orderly presentation in your answers.
In calculations, you are advised to show all the steps in your working, giving your answer at each stage