Top Universities in Cameroon 2024-2025
Which are the Top Universities in Cameroon this 2024-2025? You probably have once asked yourself this question. And if you didn’t know, here we have listed the top Universities in Cameroon.
Knowing the best Universities is something students leaving the secondary cycle of the educational career should know.
Everyone dreams of a better education and the environment or school you attain counts alot. So, before leaving high school to register for auniversity in Cameroon, you should at first know how good the said University is.
Here we have a ranking of all top Universities in Cameroon in decending order.
What is a University?
A university is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines. … The word university is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community of teachers and scholars”.
The purpose of a university is to be the guardian of reason, inquiry and philosophical openness, preserving pure inquiry from dominant public opinions. And: the purpose of the university has changed to a focus on social mobility.
Top Universities in Cameroon 2024-2025
The ranking below is based on these criterias:
- being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Cameroonian higher education-related organization
- offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees.
- delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, face-to-face, non-distance education format
1 | Université de Dschang | Dschang |
3 | Université de Buéa | Buéa |
2 | Université de Ngaoundéré | Ngaoundéré |
4 | Université de Yaoundé I | Yaoundé |
5 | Université de Douala | Douala |
7 | Université des Montagnes | Bangangté |
6 | Catholic University of Cameroon | Bamenda |
9 | Institut Catholique de Yaoundé | Yaoundé |
8 | Université de Maroua | Maroua |
10 | Université de Yaoundé II | Soa |
11 | Université de Bamenda | Bamenda |
12 | Université Protestante d’Afrique Centrale | Yaoundé |
13 | Bamenda University of Science and Technology | Bamenda |
14 | Université Adventiste Cosendai | Nanga-Eboko |
15 | International University, Bamenda | Bamenda |
The bottom line
As earlier mentioned, knowing thebest universities in Cameroon will enable you make the right decision on which university you should enroll for.
That said; some Universities may be good but have one major problem which is the teaching language. With Cameron being of French speaking majority, most Universities are in French rather than being bilingual. This isn’t bad in its own way though as it should serve as a stimulating factor for English speaking Cameroonians to hone their skills in the French language.