11th edition of Cameroon Business Forum opens tomorrow in Yaounde
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The Government and the private sector will tomorrow Thursday October 22 discuss the business climate in the country amid the crippling Coronavirus pandemic on the occasion of the 11th session of the Cameroon Business Forum.
The business rendezvous will take place in Cameroon’s political capital Yaounde under the chair of the Prime Minister Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute.
Discussions will centre on the theme “COVID-19 proofing the business environment”.
The over a hundred stakeholders, businessmen as well as investors from both the public and private sectors expected at the event will be looking for ways to improve the business climate in the country and attract investors amid the crippling Coronavirus pandemic.
Prior to the holding of tomorrow’s session, the Prime Minister granted an audience to the president of the Cameroon Business Organisation well known in its French acronym GICAM, Celestin Tawamba Monday October 19 to present propositions from manufactures through the “Livre blanc” of the Cameroonian economy.
Established in January 2009 with the support of the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, the Cameroon Business Forum is the main forum for dialogue between the State and the private sector.
It has as mission to promote the strengthening of dialogue between public authorities and the business community, improve the business climate and support the development of the private sector.
However, critics the come together is another empty project given that its recommendations are hardly implemented to satisfaction.
Cet article 11th edition of Cameroon Business Forum opens tomorrow in Yaounde est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.