Akere Muna calls on Cameroonians to “wake up” after Kumba massacre
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Human rights activist and former Presidential candidate, Barrister Akere Muna has called on Cameroonians to wake up in the face of the violence perpetrated on students at a school in Kumba, South West Region of Cameroon.
Atleast seven children were killed last Saturday, October 24 when armed men invaded the Mother Francisca international bilingual school in Fiango, Kumba, opening fire randomly before taking off. Over a dozen children injured are currently receiving treatment at various health centres in the South West Region.
Joining his voice to the avalanche of condemnations, Akere Muna said the acts are unacceptable and should wake Cameroonians up.
“Unimaginable & unacceptable! What happened in Kumba should wake us all up. What barbaric instinct can push any one to go to a school and randomly fire at kids, killing some? Is this who we have become? Numbed by savagery and mayhem we are slowly losing our humanity,” Akere Muna said in a tweet.
“To the mothers who are stuck with lifeless bodies & all those families forced in2 mourning we offer our condolences & our prayers. Suffering and mourning has to stop being lot of some citizens only.
Cet article Akere Muna calls on Cameroonians to “wake up” after Kumba massacre est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.