Cameroon: Eleven students test positive for COVID-19 in Douala
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Eleven cases of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic have been reported in two schools in Cameroon’s economic capital Douala.
Authorities were informed about the cases Monday November 9 as the Governor of the region, Samuel Dieudonne Ivaha Diboua toured a number of schools.
During his visit at the Nal Bilingual College in Bangue, school officials disclosed seven students had tested positive for the deadly pandemic recently.
At College Du Vaal, one hundred and sixty-eight students had a high temperature and after tests were conducted on them, four tested positive, making a total of eleven confirmed COVID-19 cases.
In other colleges, students who presented symptoms were ordered to go for COVID-19 tests before resuming classes.
Speaking at the end of his tour, Governor Ivaha Diboua told the press that the rate of COVID-19 infection in the region has risen from 2 to 5%.
Schools resumed in Cameroon for the 2020/2024-2025 school year last October 5 amid the pandemic and strong recommendations for a safe start of the academic year.
At the beginning, the respect of barrier measures was evident in most if not all schools. Unfortunately it slowly became a thing of the past as many students now get into schools without putting on a facemask.
They are probably copying from their elders most of whom have completely forgotten about the pandemic and have gotten back to their normal lifestyle.
Reports from the daily press briefing on the evolution of the pandemic in Cameroon have it that the number of infected persons are on the rise as public health experts fear the country may get into a second wave of infections should Cameroonians continue neglecting the prescribed barrier measures.
Cet article Cameroon: Eleven students test positive for COVID-19 in Douala est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.