Cameroon: Govt dispatches consignment of humanitarian relief to Manyu division
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The government of Cameroon has dispatched a consignment of goods to Manyu Division, South West Region, within the framework of the Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Plan prescribed by the Head of State.
The consignment comprised of 14 trucks was received on Friday, November 13 by the representative of the South West Governor Dr Mohammadou for onward transmission to Manyu Division.
According to the Head of Mission, Tchounte Gilbert the material is aimed at supporting Internally Displaced Cameroonians in Manyu Division due to the socio-political conflict, and some Cameroonianswho were refugees in Nigeria and are back but can hardly provide for themselves.
The items are to be distributed as such;six trucks for Mamfe, four to Akwaya and the rest to Eyumojock. The consignment made of basic necessity consists among others of mattresses, blankets, cooking oil, rice, fish, soap sugar, buckets, cooking utensils and toiletries.
‘‘Here we are targeting more than five thousand families that is, more than ten thousand people’’, Tchounte Gilbert noted.
Cet article Cameroon: Govt dispatches consignment of humanitarian relief to Manyu division est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.