Cameroon: SW women storm streets to denounce killings in Anglophone regions
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Women in some parts of the South West region of Cameroon this Friday October 30 stormed the streets wailing and calling for an end to the Four years long violence in the Anglophone regions.
Women in the South West region of Cameroon are yet to stop mourning the tragic departure of some seven kids killed Saturday October 24 during an attack by unidentified gunmen at the Mother Francisca Bilingual International Academy, Kumba.
Dressed in black and holding peace plants and sign boards portraying messages of peace, they hit the streets of Mile 16, Mile 17, Buea and Mamfe early this Friday October 30, wailing for peace to reign in the crisis-hit North West and South West regions of Cameroon.
They chanted peaceful songs and urged both the Government and separatists to come to a compromise so as to abate the sufferings of the people in those regions.
The women marched to the Governor’s office where they handed over a declaration addressed to the Head of State.
This outing follows a good number of other peaceful marches organised by women in other parts of the country since Monday October 26, following the brutal killing of the seven children in Kumba.
Cet article Cameroon: SW women storm streets to denounce killings in Anglophone regions est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.