Cameroon:Massacred Kumba kids to be buried on Thursday
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The seven children who were killed at a school in Kumba over a week ago by gunmen will be laid to rest on Thursday, November 5, the Kumba City Council has announced.
According to a program released by the Kumba City Council, the mortal remains of the children will be removed from the mortuary in the morning before an ecumenical service at the amusement park.
Burial is scheduled to take place at their various venues after the ecumenical service, the Kumba City Council announced.
The students who waere killed in the attack at the Mother Francisca International Bilingual College include 11-year-old Victory Camibon Ngameni, 12-year-old Anamgim Jenifer, 12-year-old Ngemone Princess, Che Telma Nchangnwi, 9-year-old Zakame Rema, Chema Syndi, and 12-year-old Renny Ngwane .
Government has accused separatist fighters in the locality of carrying out the attacks and promised to bring the culprits to book.
Cet article Cameroon:Massacred Kumba kids to be buried on Thursday est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.