DSS Recruitment Application Form 2024-2025
DSS Recruitment Application Form 2024-2025. Is the DSS Recruitment 2024-2025/2024 Application Form is Out? Find out all that you need to know about the 2024-2025 session of the DSSrecruitment.
Army DSS Recruitment Portal 2024-2025 is now available for application from interested persons who wish to apply for Department of State Security Jobs.
The Department of State Services (DSS) has raised alarm over fraudulent recruitment activities by one Jesustofunmi Nifemi Alabi to dupe unsuspecting members of the public.
Public Relations Officer, DSS National Headquarters, Abuja, Dr Peter Afunanya, said Alabi had created a Facebook group to deceive gullible job hunters.
Afunanya said the Service is not recruiting and does not own a Facebook account or operate other social media platforms.
The statement reads, “This is to inform the public about the fraudulent activities of one Jesustofunmi Nifemi ALABI who has created a Facebook group, SSS/DSS Recruitment 2019/2020 to deceive gullible job hunters. ALABI is the CEO/Chairman of Tunrok & Son Nigeria Limited and uses phone number 08112597703.
“The Service is not recruiting and does not own a Facebook account or operate other social media platforms. Job seekers are enjoined to make recruitment enquiries from the Service’s Headquarters, Abuja, its formations nationwide or official website, www.dss.gov.ng
Applications are invited from eligible Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) and Short Service Combatant (SSC) Commission officers.
The DSSC is open to both civilians and serving military personnel. Only serving military personnel sponsored by any of the Services of the Nigerian Armed Forces to civil institutions shall be considered.
When you log in to the portal, you will have the option to apply for any of the listed positions. On the portal, there is the position for FSLC holders, OND/NCE holders and then HND/Degree holders. All publications here are for educational purposes and are free.
For the benefit of those who are not well versed with the function of the Department of State Security (DSS), I am going to give a brief overview before I will talk about the application process.
The Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) is a type of commission in the Nigerian Army which is open to both civilians and serving military personnel. The training provides the avenue for the enlistment of degree holders who are professionals in specified fields. The training period for this type of commission is usually 6 months of intensive military training and successful candidates are commissioned as Lieutenant.
Applications are invited from eligible Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) officers. The DSSC is open to both civilians and serving military personnel. Only serving military personnel sponsored to civil institutions by any of the Services of the Nigerian Armed Forces shall be considered.
DSS Recruitment Application Form 2024-2025 – requirements and application procedures
1)a. Nigerian Army Engineers: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc (Engr), B Engr (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Civil Engineering, Quantity Survey, Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Geographic Information Systems. Such academic fields must be registered with the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) or regulating professional bodies.
2) b. Nigerian Army Signals: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc, B Tech, B Engr (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Cyber Security, Software Development, Software Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Control Systems Engineering, Network Design and Engineering, UAV Pilot, Geographic Information Systems Engineering, Microwave Engineering, Database Management Engineering and Administration, Project Management Engineering and Systems Control Engineering.
3) c. Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc, B Engr, B Tech, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Software Development, Mobile (Android/IOS) Development, Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing, Cyber Security, Digital Forensic Analysis, Geographic Information Systems Analysis, Database Administration, Satellite Imaging and Remote Sensing, Data Analysis, Network Security Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics (French, Arabic, Kanuri, Fulfulde/interpreters), Graphic Design and Animation, Social Media Analysis and Computer Science.
4) d. Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Catering and Hotel Management, Hospitality Service, Transport and Logistics, Business Administration, Fire and Safety. A good working experience will be an added advantage.
5) e. Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc, B Engr, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Procurement, Textile Technology/Leather Works, Printing Technology, Purchasing & Supply, Biochemistry, Logistics Management Chemical Engineering.
6) f. Nigerian Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers: Applicants must possess a minimum of B Eng, BSc (Eng) (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Weapon Engineering, Computer Engineering and Material/Metallurgical Engineering. Such academic fields must be registered with the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) or regulating professional bodies.
7) g. Nigerian Army Medical Corps: All applicants for Medical Corps are expected to present proof of registration with their professional regulatory bodies and current practising license.
8) (1) Medical and Dental Consultants: Applicants could belong to either of the following fields of specialization such as General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Anesthesia, Neuro-Surgery, Cardiothoracic, ENT Surgery, Physicians (Cardiologists, Endocrinologist, Nephrologists and Neurologists), Ophthalmologists as well as Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Pediatricians and Family Physicians. Applicants must also consider the following criteria:
9) (a) Must be a Fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or equivalent Postgraduate Medical College.
10) (b) Not be more than 40 years of age by January 2024-2025.
11) (c) Must have full registration of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) for the undergraduate degree and additional qualification registration as appropriate.
12) (d) Must have current MDCN license to practice as a specialist.
13) (2) General Duty Medical/Dental Officers: Applicants must possess MBBS/BDS or equivalent with not more than 5 years post – qualification experience and must be fully registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.
14) (3) Optometrists: Applicants must possess a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.
15) (4) Dental Therapists/Dental Surgery Assistant and Dental Technologists: Applicants must possess Higher Diplomas and must be fully registered with relevant professional bodies.
16) (5) Clinical Psychologists: Applicants must possess BSc in Clinical Psychology.
17) (6) Nurses: Applicants must possess BSc Nursing and be fully registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
18) (7) Pharmacists: Applicants must possess a Bachelor of Pharmacy and must be fully registered with the Pharmacist Council of Nigeria.
19) (8) Professionals Allied to Medicine: Applicants must possess a minimum of Second Class Lower degree in any of the following areas: Radiology – Medical Image Science, Hospital Administration, BMLS, AIMLS, and AIMLT – Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Environmental Health Workers, Nutrition/Dietetics, Health Service Administration and Health Information Management, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
20) h. Nigerian Army Band Corps: Applicants must possess a minimum of BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND Lower Credit or equivalent in Music with L.R.A.M and A.R.C.M.
21) i. Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police: Applicants must possess LLB BL, and a minimum of BSc, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Criminology, Sociology, Psychology, Computer Science, Statistics, Forensic Science and Veterinary Medicine.
22) j. Nigerian Army Finance Corps: Applicants must possess a minimum of BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Accountancy, Information and Computer Technology, Business & Financial Management, Insurance, Registration with any of the following Professional Accountancy qualification is compulsory: ICAN, ANAN, ACMA, ACCA, ACA.
23) k. Nigerian Army Education Corps: Applicants must possess a minimum of Second Class Lower degree in any of the following areas: BSc (Ed) or BA (Ed) in Library/Information Science, Guidance and Counseling, Linguistics and Literature in (French, Portuguese, English, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Fulfulde, Arabic, Efik/Ibibio, Kanuri Languages), History, Creative Art, Agricultural Science, Archives, Museology and Educational Psychology. Note: All applicants for Education Corps, are expected to present proof of registration with their professional regulatory bodies.
24) l. Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant): Applicants must possess a minimum of a BA (Second Class Lower) degree in Theology/Divinity from any of the Seminaries/Universities recognized by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant). Applicants must belong to one of the 18 major denominations of the protestant faith. Soldier applicants must have served the NA with a minimum of 6 years experience in Chaplaincy work and must be vetted and recommended by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant). Applicants must provide proof of Ordination, attestation and certification by an ordained Bishop.
25) m. Directorate of Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic): Applicants must possess a minimum of Bachelor (Second Class Lower) degree in any of the following areas: Philosophy and Theology from a Roman Catholic approved seminary, affiliated to a National Universities Commission accredited by a University or Urbanian University, Rome. Applicants must have good standing in the church and be released by a Diocesan Bishop with proof of ordination. Applicants must be vetted and recommended by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic).
26) n. Directorate of Islamic Affairs: Applicants must possess a minimum of BA, B Ed (Second Class Lower) degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies, LLB Sharia and Arabic Language from recognized Nigerian universities, Azhar University, Cairo or Saudi University. Each applicant would be required to produce testimony of excellent character from a reputable Islamic religious organization in Nigeria. Applicants must be able to speak Arabic and English Language.
27) o. Directorate of Legal Service: Applicants must possess LLB BL from a recognized institution. A minimum of 2 years post Law School legal practise is required and applicants must present evidence of such.
28) p. Directorate of Army Public Relations: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in Mass Communication, Audio-Visual Technology, Television and Film Production, Information Technology, Public Relations, Journalism, Communication and Theatre Arts, Printing Technology, International Relations and Political Science, Newspaper and Print Technology, Radio Production, Broadcasting and Public Administration. Applicants must have evidence of Membership of any Professional body relating to media operation and journalism.
29) q. Directorate of Army Physical Training: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc or BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the following areas: Human Kinetics and Health Education, Sports Management, Sports Coaching, Sports Psychology, Sport Physiology, Sports Marketing and Exercise and Sports Science.
30) r. Directorate of Army Aviation: Applicants must possess a minimum of BSc/B Eng (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) with other relevant trade qualification from government-approved institutions for the following fields: Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Maintenance Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology and Air Traffic Control and Communications.
The general requirements of DSS require that all applicants
- a. Be a Nigerian as defined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
- b. Be a male or female between the ages of 20 and 30 years, while medical consultants be not more than 40 years of age by January 2024-2025.
- c. Be medically, mentally and physically fit according to NA standards.
- d. Be recommended and attested to his/her good character by at least 2 recognizable referees who is either a Local Government Chairman/Secretary or an officer of the Armed Forces not below the rank of a Lieutenant Colonel and equivalent or an Assistant Commissioner of Police and above who must hail from the applicant’s state of origin. Passport photographs of referees must be affixed to the letter of attestation.
- e. Applicants must submit a letter of Attestation from their former institutions.
- f. Measure in height at least 1.68m (for male) and 1.65m (for female).
- g. Must Not have been convicted by any court of law. Military personnel applying must be free from any disciplinary case and endorsed by the applicant’s Commanding Officer/Commander.
- h. Possess at least a first degree with not less than Second Class Lower Division or HND of not less than Lower Credit from any accredited institution of learning.
- i. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council or valid age declaration.
- j. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.
- k. Applicants must possess NYSC discharge certificate or a valid exemption as appropriate.
- l. Graduates with professional qualifications must be duly registered by relevant regulating bodies recognized by Nigerian Laws at the commencement of cadet training.
- m. Only post secondary academic credentials obtained from 2011 to date will be considered.
- n. Applicants must present valid contact addresses and telephone numbers of parent/guardians and Next of Kin.
- o. Candidates must not have any body inscriptions or tattoos.
- p. Candidates must tender all original copies of educational certificates (primary to post-secondary).
- q. Service personnel must present valid military identity cards and letters of recommendations by their Commanding Officers/Commanders. They must also present valid letter(s) of NA sponsorship to tertiary academic institutions. Additionally, they must have served for a period of not less than 5 years in the unit.
- r. Candidates must not belong to any cult/society/fraternity.
- s. All female applicants are advised to seek commission into specialist corps like Medical, Legal Service, Supply and Transport or Army Public Relations.
CONDITIONS OF SERVICE – DSS Recruitment Application Form 2024-2025
Direct Short Service Commission will be granted for a total of 15 years, for an initial period of 8 years, renewable yearly for another period of 7 years. Direct Regular Commission may be granted on conversion after 3 years as a commissioned officer.
- a. Conversion to Direct Regular Commission is not automatic but based on application by an eligible commissioned officer. It is however based on the availability of vacancies and other criteria that are or will be in force from time to time.
- b. All graduating officer cadets must sign an acceptance of the terms and conditions governing the Direct Short Service Commission before they are granted commission into the Nigerian Army.
- c. The reckonable period of service for civilians who become commissioned officers will be based on the date of commencement of cadet training while that of military personnel applicants would be the date of enlistment.
- d. Medical Consultant Officers on successful completion of military training shall be granted the rank of Major.
- e. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Lieutenant with seniority effective date of commission except for medical consultants.
All applications are done online at the DSS online recruitment portal. You must meet all the specified requirements to be successful
You must apply before the deadline to be on the safer side. After the deadline for the application, the portal will be closed and you will not be able to apply again.
DSS Registration Portal 2024-2025 And How to Apply
SSC OR DSSC Registration Portal 2024-2025 is open to all interested Nigerians, but you must be within the ages of 20 and 30 years to apply. Those under or above that age range should not apply as their application will be null.
The application process is simple and easy, those within the specified age limit should log on to the DSS registration portal 2020.
Sign up with a personal email address (must be valid for communication purposes) and a strong password.
After successful registration, applicants should log in with their email address and password to fill in all necessary information and upload their credentials and ID card.
Ready to apply,
- Log on to www.nigerianarmyms.ng to create an account.
- Read the qualification criteria.
- From the home page, select SSC OR DSSC application.
- On successful registration, you will receive an email notification containing your login details.
- Click on ‘Login’ to complete the application form.
- Ensure all required documents are uploaded:
- Passport photograph.
- Educational certificates.
- Evidence of membership of any professional body.
- Certificate of state of origin.
- Birth certificate or age declaration.
Print Out. Applicants must print out their online generated photo-slip on completion of their application. The first page is to be signed by a Court of Law while the second page is to be signed by the Local Government Chairman/Secretary or any military officer of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or equivalent and above who hails from your state. Successful applicants would be required to present their printed photo-slips to the selection board during the interview.
SSS Nigeria Ranks
The Director-General is the highest rank in the State Security Service. In the open sources, you can find the ranks of director generals before they were appointed. The first Director-General was Colonel Abdullahi Mohammed. You can find the rank Colonel only in the Military structure of Nigeria. All information about SSS Nigeria ranks is classified. Still, they are a part of the military structure in Nigeria and have similar ranks.
- Recruit
- Private
- Lance
- Corporal
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant
Junior Officers
- Second Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Captain.
Senior Officers
- Major
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Colonel.
High-Ranking Officers
- Brigadier General
- Major General
- Lieutenant General
- General.
Tag:DSS, Job offers, Jobs, Nigeria