EndSARS: Coronation Insurance assures clients of support
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By Rosemary Iwunze
Coronation Insurance Plc, formerly Wapic Insurance, has reassured its clients and the general public that are victims of the EndSARS protests of its commitment to return them to their normal ways of life.
To this end, Coronation Insurance said it had put in place a claims response platform for real-time communication and easy sharing of loss evidence to fast-track claims processing.
In a statement, the company said: “At this time, Coronation Insurance would like to reassure our clients and the general public that, following the recent monumental loss of human life and damage to property and assets across the nation, we have shifted to our highest gear to get our customers the most appropriate help as quickly as possible at this time of need.
“We believe that insurance companies must ensure their clients do not have to wait for assistance after a disaster occurs by proactively collating information of damage and losses as well as responding to claims with speed and precision.
“We are well aware that our customers are dealing with numerous difficulties at this time and the last thing they want is a painful and challenging claims process.
“We want our customers to return to their normal way of life as soon as possible and have put in place a claims response platform for real-time communication and easy sharing of loss evidence to fast-track claims processing.
“Our emergency payment methods will assist to relieve your immediate spending pressures and help you get back on your feet within the quickest period of time.
“Please use our dedicated helplines for emergencies and you can also ask to speak to one of our experts for advice and assistance on what to do next.
“Our channels are available 24/7 so that you can make inquiries and report claims seamlessly. We encourage you to use them to minimise physical visits.
“For enquires, claims or purchases, please visit www.coronationinsurance.com.ng, or call our contact centre on 01-2774500, 01-2774566, or email contactcentre@coronationinsurance.com.ng.”
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