Power sector records new 5,520.40MW ― TCN
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The power sector has recorded yet another national peak generation of 5,520.40MW on Oct. 30 at 9.15 pm,
Mrs Ndidi Mbah, General Manager. Public Affairs, Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) made this known in a statement in Abuja on Saturday.
She said that the new generation surpassed the previous 5.459 Mega Watts (MW) recorded on October by 60.90MW.
Mbah said that the achievement of the new national peak was a result of continued collaboration among players and the gradual increase in capacity in the power sector.
ALSO READ: Deploy your capacity to positive endeavours, minister counsels #EndSARS organisers
”With the current capacity of 8,100MW, TCN seamlessly transmitted the new peak at a frequency of 50.11Hz. through the nation’s grid.
“As players in the power sector value chain continue to work together to improve the nation’s power supply, TCN implores everyone to help protect power infrastructure nationwide.
“And desist from bush burning or burning of trash beside transmission towers or under power line cables nationwide,she said
The post Power sector records new 5,520.40MW ― TCN appeared first on Vanguard News.