Second set of Cameroonian deportees from US arrives tomorrow
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Over twenty Cameroonians deported from the United States of America are due to arrive Cameroon tomorrow Friday November 13 on board a special flight.
The deportees constitute the second set of asylum seekers whose requests were rejected by the Trump administration.
According to reports, the special flight will take off from Texas at about 9pm and arrive The Douala International Airport by 2.
In September, a first set of about eighty deportees arrived the country in the same circumstances after they were arrested in Texas without official documents.
Before their repatriation, Cameroonian authorities were notified on their illegal presence in America and the decision to deport them.
After receiving the notification, Cameroonian authorities were bound to respond to the American immigration policy, failure to which the country could have been classified as a non-collaborative one and thus lose the rights and privileges of its citizens accepted into America for education, greener pastures, health care to name but these.
Cet article Second set of Cameroonian deportees from US arrives tomorrow est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.