UNEB UCE Mathematics Past papers [PDF]
If you are looking for Uganda UNEB UCE Mathematics Past papers, then you have come to the right place.
We have uploaded past UCE Maths past question papers here to help you revise and prepare for the upcoming UNEB UCE exams.
GCE O-Level candidates can as well take advantage of these past mathematics past question papers to hone further their skills.
In Uganda, students receive the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) when they finish the four years of lower secondary school.
It is comparable to GCE O-Level in the UK. UCE is also called “O-Level” by the people in Uganda. The UCE examinations are administered by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB)
Available Past papers
Below, you will find past maths UCE past question papers for different UNEB UCE exam sessions. We do not have for all the past years but hopefully, the few we’ve added should suffice for you to get acquainted with how the exam is usually set.
2019 past papers
Paper 1
Paper 2
UNEB UCE Mathematics past papers for 2018
Paper 1
Paper 2
Past papers 2017
Paper 1
Paper 2
Thanks friends
Thanks a lot for all your services but we are also requesting a Math Solution Book, one with answers to the questions set in the corresponding years.