Cameroon: 9 students in Douala caught in orgy
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Nine students of a private secondary school in Cameroon’s economic capital Douala have been arrested after they were caught having a sex orgy in a room at the Makepe Missoke neighbourhood earlier this Wednesday November 11.
The students, five girls and four boys aged between 15 and 22 are reported to have ran away from lessons to attend a birthday party.
After consuming alcohol in excess, they are said to have watched pornographic videos before engaging in the act in school uniforms.
Sources say it were the screams of the youngest among them, a girl that caught the attention of neighbours who then alerted security elements.
Once on the scene, the children were taken away by gendarmes and those found in a state of severe weakness were admitted to the ACHA Baptist Hospital in Bepanda.
A series of test, including HIV have been carried out on the young people and investigations opened to determine whether the alcohol contained any toxic substance.
Cet article Cameroon: 9 students in Douala caught in orgy est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.