Cameroon: CONAC steps up fight against corruption in schools
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The National Anti-Corruption Commission, CONAC has embarked on a one-week sensitization campaign in schools across the country.
Since Monday, October 19, teams from CONAC have been sensitising students and teachers on the values of integrity as a means to a Cameroon free of corruption.
In addition to sensitising the academic community, the teams from CONAC have been proposing and encouraging the creating of ‘Integrity Clubs’ in colleges to help fight corruption in the school milieu.
According to the President of CONAC, Reverend Dieudonné Massi Gams, this campaign comes weeks after the first phase which was aimed at cracking down on corruption during the admission and registration process in schools.
This week’s sensitization campaign comes after CONAC organized a seminar last weekend in Yaounde with ‘Integrity Clubs’ of the eight state universities and 42 institutions of higher learning.
The seminar was aimed at reinforcing the capacities of members of the club across the various institutions to efficiently promote integrity on campus. According to the National Anti-Corruption Commission, integrity in academia is the bedrock for a solid training of youth who in turn will fight against corruption. For this to be effective, CONAC has set up a National Integrity Education Program (PNEI), in order to contribute to the total training of future citizens.
“We want to develop among young people, strong mechanisms which will help them shy away from deviant behaviours that can lead to corruption. We want exemplary youths who can take the lead in society, we want a society of honest, responsible men and women,” CONAC President, Reverend Dieudonné Massi Gams said.
We have noticed that the inmplementation of the PNEI in our various higher institutions faced some difficulties. The seminar was therefore aimed at re-training the members of the integrity clubs of the various universities present, so that they can be promoters of integrity in their respective educational environments, “he added.
Cet article Cameroon: CONAC steps up fight against corruption in schools est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.