Cameroon: Two soldiers killed in ambush in Bui, restive NW region
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Two soldiers have been shot dead in an ambush by suspected separatist fighters in the locality of Kissem, Mbiame subdivision, Bui Division of the North West region of Cameroon, sources have said.
According to reports, the incident occurred Wednesday November 18.
A mixed patrol team of gendarmes and policemen were taken unaware by a group of armed men believed to be separatist fighters in Kissem, Mbiame subdivision, Bui Division of the restive North West region.
Security sources say two gendarmes seriously injured will finally give up the ghost, Gendarme Justin Diguir Alioum and a new recruit.
One civilian is also alleged to have died after he was shot during the exchange of guns.
The Bui Division of one of the strongholds of the Ambazonia separatist movement in the restive North West region of Cameroon.
Despite moves made by the Government to dismantle separatist armed groups in the two English-speaking regions, the security situation remains tensed in some parts of these regions.
Cet article Cameroon: Two soldiers killed in ambush in Bui, restive NW region est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.