COVID-19 and W/Africa: 520 new cases, 5 new deaths in 24 hours
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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has recorded 520 new cases and 5 new deaths of COVID-19 in past 24 hours, official figures show on Monday.The new cases were recorded in Burkina Faso (38), Cape Verde (114), Ivory Coast (22), Ghana (140), Guinea (40), Mali (9), Niger (1), Nigeria (133), Senegal (14), Sierra Leone (1) and Togo (8). The new deaths were registered in Cape Verde (1), Nigeria (2) and Senegal (2).
Nigeria has the highest number of total cases (61,440), total deaths (1,125) and total recoveries (56,611) in the sub-region. West Africa now has 185,115 total cases, 2,703 total deaths and 170,920 total recoveries.
Ghana (47,372 total cases) has 310 total deaths and 46,664 total recoveries. Ivory Coast (20,323 total cases) has 121 total deaths and 20,021 total recoveries. Senegal and Guinea have recorded 15,432 and 11,518 total cases respectively.
Senegal has 319 total deaths and 13,865 total recoveries while Guinea has 69 total deaths and 10,427 total recoveries. Cabo Verde (7,752 total cases) has 85 total deaths and 6,526 total recoveries. Gambia (3,649 total cases) has 118 total deaths and 2,649 total recoveries.
Mali (3,388 total cases) has 132 total deaths and 2,586 total recoveries. Guinea-Bissau (2,389 total cases) has 41 total deaths and 1,782 total recoveries. Benin (2,496 total cases) has 41 total deaths and 2,330 total recoveries.
Sierra Leone (2,331 total cases) has 72 total deaths and 1,760 total recoveries and Burkina Faso (2,381 total cases) has 65 total deaths and 1,774 total recoveries. Liberia (1,377 total cases) has 82 total deaths and 1,268 total recoveries. Togo (2,057 total cases) has 51 total deaths and 1,531 total recoveries. Niger (1,210 total cases) has 69 total deaths and 1,126 total recoveries.
Africa has registered 1,657,053 total cases, 39,824 total deaths and 1,362,598 total recoveries while the world has recorded 40,464,298 total cases, 1,120,733 total deaths and 30,234,158 total recoveries.
Cet article COVID-19 and W/Africa: 520 new cases, 5 new deaths in 24 hours est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.