Cameroon: French Ambassador reacts to killing of children in Kumba
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The French Ambassador to Cameroon, Christophe Guilhou has called on the concerted efforts to end the crisis in the North West and South West Regions.
He was reacting to the killing of at least seven children last Saturday in Kumba, South West Region of Cameroon by gunmen. The children were killed last Saturday, October 24 when armed men invaded the Mother Francisca international bilingual school in Fiango, Kumba, opening fire randomly before taking off. Over a dozen injured are currently receiving treatment at various health centres.
“Saddened by the massacre of children in a school in Kumba this morning, I firmly condemn this barbaric act. Its perpetrators should be brought to justice and condemned. All efforts must now be united to end the conflict in the North West and South West Regions,” Christophe Guilhou tweeted.
Cet article Cameroon: French Ambassador reacts to killing of children in Kumba est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.