Cameroon:Govt hands over support to beneficiaries of Biya’s special youth plan
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The Ministry of Youth and Civic Education has begun distributing material support to beneficiaries of the Three-Year Special Youth Program.
The distribution exercise kicked off in Douala on Friday, October 30 and will see the Minister of Youth and Civic Education travel to several other localities across the country for the same exercise.
The items ranging from wheelbarrows, to other farm tools, grinding mills as well as office equipment and stationery were handed over to beneficiaries of the Littoral Region during a ceremony at the esplanade of the Douala IV Council in Bonaberi.
Handing over the equipment, the Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou urged the beneficiaries to put them to effective use so as to improve not only on their economic situation but great a greater impact in their various communities.
In addition to handing over the equipment, the Minister visited some of the projects in the Douala II subdivision. He later visited the Bomono aquaponic farm where he observed and appreciated the reality of clusters and the ingenuity of the youth who have focused their activity in the agro-pastoral sector. Other youth have focused their energy in the construction and sales of bricks and concrete and the Minister of Youth and Civic Education equally made a stop at their workshop to encourage them in their daily activities.
After the Littoral Region, the Minister’s next stop was in Buea, in the South West Region where he equally distributed several items as well as material for moral rearmament to the youth.
Received by the Governor of the South West Region, the Minister of Youth and Civic Education made a stop at the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Centre where he encouraged ex combatants who have engaged in income-generating activities.
He then proceeded to the esplanade of the Buea Council where he handed certificates of participation, cheques (ranging from the sum of 1.5million to 5million FCFA), motor bikes, wheel barrows, chain saws, mini tractor, poultry equipment, and a host of other items to over 40 beneficiaries of the Head of State’s Three-Year Special Youth Plan.
On their part, the beneficiaries thanked the government through the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, promised to make good use of the cheques and items given them to improve their various farming and related activities.
The distribution exercise will continue in other parts of the country today, notably in Meyommessala in the South Region.
Cet article Cameroon:Govt hands over support to beneficiaries of Biya’s special youth plan est apparu en premier sur Journal du Cameroun.