ENS Maroua Entrance Exam has been postponed
The original date for the written part of the ENS Maroua entrance exam has been postponed. Here we have the official announcement from the Rector of the University of Maroua (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Maroua)
The entrance exams for ENS or HTTC of Maroua was initially scheduled for the 6th and 7th October 2020 is postponed.
This change comes as a result of the late release of the GCE exam results. For those who do not know when the new date for the entrance exam is, continue reading this article.
New date for the ENS Maroua Entrance Exam writing session
Below we have the full press release concerning the new date for the written part of the ENS Maroua entrance exam.
Press Release
The Rector of the University of Maroua hereby informs the candidates to the competitive entrance examination into the first year of the first cycle and the first year of the second cycle of the Higher Teachers’ Training college of the University of Maroua that the written part of the examination initially scheduled for the 6th and 7tr’ October 2020 is postponed to the 3’o and 4tt November 2020, Moreover, the deadline for the submission of application files is October 30th, 2l, 2020.
Communiqué Radio-Presse
Le Recteur de I’université de Maroua informe les candidats aux concours d’entre en premiere année du premier cycle et en premiere année du second cycle de l’Ecole Normale supérieure de l’Université de Maroua que les épreuves écrites desdits concours initialement prevues les 6 et 7 Octobre 2020 sont reportées aux 03 et 04 novembre 2020. Par aiileurs, la date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidatures est reportr6e au 30 octob re 2020.
You can download the official signed press release from the link below